Micro BioTechnology Laboratroy


Total 3건 1 페이지
  • 2021

  • 3

    Sandwich ELISA-Based Electrochemical Biosensor for Leptin in Control and Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse Model

    Ryong Sung, Yun Seok Heo*, Biosensors, 11(1), 2021,

  • 2

    Optimized culture systems for the preimplantation ICR mouse embryos with wide range of EDTA concentrations

    Thapa Seema, Seung Hee Kang, Yun Seok Heo*, Royal Society Open Science, 8(4), 2021,

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    A Dual Electrode Biosensor for Glucose and Lactate Measurement in Normal and Prolonged Obese Mice Using Single Drop of Whole Blood

    Thapa Mukesh, Ryong Sung, Yun Seok Heo*, Biosensors, 11(12), 2021,
