Micro BioTechnology Laboratroy


Total 4건 1 페이지
  • 2015 이전

  • 4

    3D printed modules for integrated microfluidic devices

    Kyung G. Lee, Kyun Joo Park, Seunghwan Seok, Sujeong Shin, Do hyun Kim, Jung Youn Park, Yun Seok Heo, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jae Lee, RSC Advances, 62, 2014,

  • 3

    Reconstituting Vascular Microenvironment of Neural Stem Cell Niche in Three-Dimensional Extracellular Matrix

    Yoojin Shin, Kisuk Yang, Sewoon Han, Hyun-Ji Park, Yun Seok Heo, Seung-Woo Cho, Seok Chung*, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3, 2014,

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    "Universal" vitrification of cells by ultra-fast cooling

    Yun Seok Heo, Sunitha Nagrath, Alessandra L. Moore, Mahnaz Zeinalii, Daniel Irimia, Shannon L. Stott, Thomas L. Toth, Mehmet Toner*, Technology, 3(1), 2015,

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    Microfluidic technology for in vitro fertilization (IVF)

    Seema Thapa, Yun Seok Heo*, JMST Advances, 1, 2015,
