Our primary research interest lies in the development of rapid, flexible, and scalable additive micro/nano manufacturing technologies to overcome critical technological barriers of the current manufacturing and to explore new engineering applications by studying fundamental physics and mechanics of soft active materials.
Kyung G. Lee, Kyun Joo Park, Seunghwan Seok, Sujeong Shin, Do hyun Kim, Jung Youn Park, Yun Seok Heo, Seok Jae Lee, , RSC Advances, 62, 2014,
Yoojin Shin, Kisuk Yang, Sewoon Han, Hyun-Ji Park, Yun Seok Heo, Seung-Woo Cho, , Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3, 2014,
Yun Seok Heo, , Technology, 3(1), 2015,
Sung-Hwan Kim,Gi-Hun Lee,SeungJin Lee, , Stem Cells International, 2016,
Bongseop Kwak, , Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 261, 2018,
Seema Thapa, , JMST Advances, 1, 2015,
Yoo Min Park, , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 161, 2020,
Ryong Sung, , Biosensors, 11(1), 2021,
Thapa Seema, Seung Hee Kang, , Royal Society Open Science, 8(4), 2021,
Thapa Mukesh, Ryong Sung, , Biosensors, 11(12), 2021,
Thapa Seema, , Analytical Chemistry, 94(46), 2022,
Thapa Mukesh, , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 221, 2023,